Patient Success Stories

Case Studies

See what’s possible when you uncover the root cause.

endometriosis, period, cramps, pain

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March is Endometriosis Awareness Month! So, if you or someone you love is battling endo, grab yourself a cozy mug of hot cacao (I’ve even attached my favorite recipe!), cue up some Irish tunes (hello, St. Patrick’s Day!), and settle in for a read—and don’t forget to share it when you’re done. Ladies, let me […]

Struggling with Endometriosis? Here’s What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

hope, pcos, inspiration

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You don’t have to live with painful periods. You also don’t have to fear getting your period. AND, wait for it, you don’t need to take birth control. I used to live in fear of my period. Sooo much fear. I did not know when it would come, how painful it would be, if I […]

PCOS Doesn’t Have to Be Your Forever: My Journey to Recovery

hope, pcos, inspiration

PCOS Doesn’t Have to Be Your Forever: My Journey to Recovery

You don’t have to live with painful periods. You also don’t have to fear getting your period. AND, wait for it, you don’t need to take birth control. I used to live in fear of my period. Sooo much fear. I did not know when it would come, how painful it would be, if I […]

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